Getting ready for Delta Stripers!!! 11-5-2014

Captain Scott Feist

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I am gearing up for Delta Stripers! The bite has been solid for the past few weeks and it should remain good until the holidays are over. I fish Stripers many ways in the delta; from live bait, spooning, casting & trolling. The fall is beautiful in the delta with some amazing days of fishing. I am typically guiding waterfowl, but with the low water situation, I will be chasing Stripers! If you would like to spend a day fishing delta Stripers or would like some more information please give me a call!!!

Call me for an awesome day of fishing the scenic Sacramento River and California Delta.

I spend a lot of time on the water but I will get back to you as soon as I’m able. Call to book your trip now!

Captain Feisty

Office (530) 923-2634 • Cell (530) 822-6314• Email

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California Delta Striped Bass
California Delta Striped Bass