Targeting Sacramento River Striped Bass on the Fly!!!

Captain Scott Feist

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I had the self proclaimed “A-Team” for a second week in a row, for two consecutive days fly fishing for Striped Bass. The boys put some sore lips on plenty of Striped Bass up to twenty pounds! The action was very constant with  plenty of double hook-ups to keep things sporty. I have personally fished in different places around the world and it’s still hard to imagine the wonderful fly fishing we have right here in our backyard for Striped Bass. The Stripers offer a great pursuit and bite standing next to any sport fish on the west coast. Sometimes, I have to open my eyes and realize really how good we have it right here at home. Thanks Dave and Larry for a great couple of days!!!

Call me for an awesome day of fishing the scenic Sacramento River.
I spend a lot of time on the water but I will get back to you as soon as I’m able. Call to book your trip now!

Captain Feisty

Office (530) 923-2634 • Cell (707) 540-2381 • Email