Salmon Season Wrap-Up, Waterfowl Next

Captain Scott Feist

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I finished my King Salmon season in the Sacramento Valley last Sunday. What a year we had! I was really concerned at the beginning about the one fish limit, but it ended up being fine. We just took or time releasing smaller fish, targeting full sized adult Kings! We definitely didn’t see a shortage of fish this 2018 season… I want to personally thank everyone that came out and fished and supported me for another year! I made some new friends, and kept other relationships growing! So with Salmon season in the past for me, I am currently switching gears into my Waterfowl season. I guide ducks and geese throughout the Sacramento Valley on some very exclusive pieces of ground. I have thousands and thousands of acres to locate, scout and produce successful hunts. This year I have added to the team a few guides to help scout and run hunts with me. Jason and Nate bring the same, positive energy I do to the sport, and I couldn’t be more happy to have them involved! Please do not hesitate to give me a call to discuss waterfowl hunting or to book your 2018/2019 hunt!

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